Worship Times
Sunday Eucharist Service
Hawaiian Eucharist Service
(1st Sunday of each month)

Hawaiian Service
In appreciation of the life and work of Reverend Malo and out of respect for the largely Hawaiian congregation who labored to build the Church, the service on the first Sunday of every month is given primarily in Hawaiian.
The Hawaiian service begins with the ke kani o ka pu, the sound of the conch shell. The oli wehe, the chant that calls the people to worship, is chosen from Biblical verses appropriate to the liturgical season.
The Altar is flanked by red and gold kahilis, symbols of royalty that remind us of King Kamehameha IV, Alexander Liholiho and Queen Emma, who welcomed the Anglican Church to Hawaii in 1862 and generously supported the Church during their reign. The music often includes such well-loved, old Hawaiian hymns as Nu Oli, Glad Tidings, Ke Akua Mana E, How Great Thou Art, and Queen Liliuokalani’s beautiful, Ka Pule o Ali’i Wahine, “The Queen’s Prayer.”
In the shade of palms and kiawe trees, within the open air precincts of David Malo’s Kilohana Church, services are held on Sundays at 9:00AM. All are welcome.