Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare the church for worship, by dressing the altar and decorating the sanctuary to create a beautiful space for prayer and worship.
Acolytes serve at the altar during church services, enhancing our worship experience by care and attention to the flow of the service.
Lay Readers
Lay readers proclaim the Word of God, that is the Biblical readings and psalms appointed for the service. Their role as prayer leaders is expressed in their leading the congregation in the Prayers of the People.
Chalice Bearers
Ministers of the Chalice support the celebrant during Holy Eucharist, offering the Blood of Christ to worshippers. All baptized Christians are welcome at the Holy Table at Trinity -by-the-Sea.
Greeters work with ushers in welcoming worshippers to Trinity-by-the-Sea. In addition greeters organize nametags, prayer books and hymnals for worshippers.
Ushers serve hand-in-hand with greeters, by escorting members and visitors to their pews, and attending to the special needs of guests. During the service they co-ordinate the collection of the offering, the offertory procession and the presentation of the Communion elements.